The head of the rock N Roll Marathon series shared an statement across social network with an update on exactly how they’re approaching races in 2021. It wasn’t a specific, conclusive method for guaranteed races. It didn’t include any type of updates or details on marathons or triathlons. however it was remove as well as sincere as well as made me feel like we’re on the exact same page.
Andrew Messick is the CEO of The IRONMAN group – the rock N Roll Marathon series is part of the company. ‘RnR’ as it’s commonly called is a significant worldwide race series with incredibly fun marathons as well as half marathons. It’s likewise one of my favorites as well as I’ve run a number of RnR events. So when I saw his video message today on Twitter I stopped as well as paid close attention. I understand a great deal of you want to understand if your preferred race will be pushed back, cancelled or changed to online before you register or begin training.
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I keep asking when will the ‘big city’ races be back since I believe large events (like the new York City Marathon as well as Boston Marathon)… can be held once again smaller races with less resources can utilize their design to likewise go online på nytt.
Logistically running events with countless people squeezed together in tight spaces, utilizing porta potties without any hand washing, grabbing cups of water from strangers, etc… are the hardest things to put back together in a Covid world. however if there’s a method – the military-like operations behind the Boston Marathon as well as NYC, will be able to figure it out.
Marathons as well as Running Races in 2021
Back to today’s announcement…
Messick didn’t provide runners any type of ensures since nobody can make any type of promises ideal now. He doesn’t understand when it’s going to be risk-free to hold standard endurance events without danger of cancellation because of Covid associated factors. You don’t know. Jag vet inte.
I appreciate this update since it was realistic as well as felt like it was ‘athlete to athlete’. It likewise was a tip to any individual frustrated that their marathon was cancelled and/or mad at race organizers that – THEY want TO HOLD EVENTS.
Race organizations are hurting. people have lost jobs. business have went out of business. There are people who have been hurt by this beyond losing their physical fitness for a pr attempt. It’s crucial to keep it in point of view (and try to be additional kind).
Rock N Roll Marathon series update 2021
I transcribed a lot of of today’s statement however you can enjoy it on Twitter right here – rock N Roll Marathon series Twitter Update.
“I want to supply an update on where we stand with regard to being able to operate increases around the world.
We all want to get back to racing. I want to get back to racing you want to get back to racing as well as the concern is when, so let me tell you about what we’re believing as well as trying to accomplish.
Ultimately our capability to hold races is going to come down to a series of factors… what’s happening with the virus, what’s happening with vaccinations, what’s happening with travel limitations as well as the appetite of our hold neighborhoods to welcome athletes, volunteers as well as personnel to be able to conduct a race. We’re guests just in our neighborhoods as well as eventually tooth combination of virus vaccination travel limitations as well as appetite for our hold neighborhoods differ around the world.
Our operators ideal now are working with our hold neighborhoods to figure out what’s possible.
We want to hold races. That’s our goal.
We are in the service of holding races as well as we hear from athletes all around the world exactly how terribly they want to race.
So our focus is on making the races happen.
We’ve already seen Oceanside has transferred to October. We believe that lots of of the races early-season in Europe are going to be transferred to later in the year. We believe that lots of of our larger running events in north america are going to be transferred to later in the year. We make those decisions only when we feel like we have exhausted every chance to be able to safely make those races happen. That truly is the thing I want to interact a lot of strongly here.
We wait up until we have no alternate up until we’re specific that the races can’t occur before we enact a postponement. You can’t un-postpone an event so as long as there’s a possibility we’re trying to make it happen.
And we hear the comments we’re getting from all of you that you’d like a lot more lead time between when a race’s meant to occur as well as when we’re required to step it. We’re sensitive to it as well as we appreciate it. hoWever på exakt samma tid är vår väsentliga uppfattning att om vi kan göra en händelse uppstår vi.
Så exakt hur erbjuder vi med osäkerheten eftersom det kommer att bli osäkerhet under de närmaste månaderna fram till den covid omständigheten stabiliseras.
Alla typer av oss kan göra är att förbli psykologiskt såväl som fysiskt starka. Beroende på dina tri-klubbar, på dina tränare, på dina träningspartners, på ditt hushåll för att bevara fokus, bevara självkontroll och sätta dig själv i en miljö som när vi säkert kan genomföra händelser igen är du igen redo.
När detta inte längre blir en sak är vi beredda att komma tillbaka till att göra det vi älskar. Vilket tävlar såväl som med vårt grannskap av idrottare runt om i världen som delar denna extraordinära entusiasm vi har för uthållighetssporter.
Fram till dess, så bra som jag inte kan vänta med att se dig på tävlingarna senare i år. ” – Andrew Messick – VD för Ironman Group
Jag skulle vilja avgörande svar. Jag vill få mycket mer info såväl som svar. (Om du rinner för att ha alla svar – skicka dem på min väg!) Såväl som när vi inte fick någon typ av datum när vi är 1000% specifika kommer nästa enorma maraton att inträffa personligen, jag Uppskatta såväl ärlighet som erkännande.
Vi vill köra tävlingar. De vill ta på sig tävlingar. Helst kommer vi alla att kunna göra det extremt mycket snart.
Fram till dess – gör arbetet. Du har tid att träna och förbättra. Vad du gör med den här tiden är lika mycket som du.
Lycka till!
Vad tror du om maraton såväl som andra uthållighetslopp såväl som evenemang för 2021?
Kommentera nedan eller på min @Runeatreepeat Instagram publicerar med dina tankar.
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